

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Silver Sparkles and Sequins

I am currently watching one of my new favorite shows, Big Bang Theory and thinking about how Christmas is almost only one month away. It's hard to feel super Christmas-y in 80 degree weather, but my roommates cinnamon candle is helping me get in the spirit.

Last Christmas I went all DIY with my family's gifts. I custom designed the gift tags and coffee stained them. I used a ton of twine and brown packaging paper. Somehow I have to top what I did last year. Here's some inspiration from the sequins, sparkles, and glitter that are definitely IN right now (just look at the storefronts of Forever XXI).

1. Glitter Guide
2. Beauty and the Budget
3. Beauty and the Budget
4. Knot and Bow
5. Birdcage Cards
6. a Little Card

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Now I'm even more excited about the upcoming Holidays:)))


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